
Venture into New Territory

The business world is full of examples that demonstrate the value of trying something new. As business leaders, each one of us is an entrepreneur at heart, and we love the challenge of trying something new.

Leaders of the future need to have the stomach for conflict and uncertainty, both among their people and within themselves. That's why effective leaders need to have an experimental mind-set.

Some decisions will work, and some won't. Some projects will pay off, and some won't. But every decision and every project will teach you and your organisation something about how the marketplace is changing and about how your company compares to its competitors.

Think beyond the horizon and look for pathways that may be hidden from view. Look at what your competitors are doing.

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Polar Quest : A Journey to the Poles

In 2007 I led two teams on ground-breaking expeditions. First to the magnetic North Pole and then onto the geographical South Pole. The South Pole journey was one of the longest overland journeys in history. Polar Quest is a fascinating accout of the journey based on live reports sent during the journey and my diary extracts. It also includes external Case Studies, planning documents, fitness programmes and much more.

Order your copy now for only £11.95

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