
4 Tips to Start your Leadership Journey

Ask any new manager about the early days of being a boss. Indeed, ask any senior executive to recall how he or she felt as a new manager. If you get an honest answer, you will hear a tale of disorientation and, for some, overwhelming confusion.The new role did not feel anything like they thought it would. It felt too big for any one person to handle. Also, whatever its scope, it sure did not seem to have anything to do with leadership. Here are 4 great tips to help you as you start out on your leadership journey...

1.  Know the team
You cannot win teams over immediately. Start by getting an idea of their capabilities and interests. This can prevent later communication hurdles.

2.  Communicate openly
Teams work best when everyone knows what is going on and who is responsible for what. Nothing destroys a team faster than mistrust or the hiding of information.

3.  Expect the worst
Have team members consider the ‘what if’ scenarios and they will be more prepared to deal with what comes.

4.  Relax
Leading into the unknown is like the beginning of a polar journey. Everyone is tense and itchy, but when you start to ski everything else but the task is forgotten.

To explore more about leadership explore 'Leading High Performance Teams' available in paperback or ebook.

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